Helping Your Child Learn Social Skills
Children with enhanced social skills are more likely to have better relationships and resilience as adults. To learn more about growing your child or clients social skills check out the guide below: Click here to download Click here to download
Nurturing and Attachment Guide
Knowing the stages and key points of nurturing is crucial in providing services to clients. Check out Prevention Resources Guide on key points: Click here to download Click here to download
Child Development: Key Points
Child development, and knowing what works best can sometimes be a challenging subject. In the below guide Prevention Resource walks through a guide to help you provide the best information and care to families. Click here to download Click here to...
Finding Help for Your Family
Finding the best help for you, and your family can seem like a daunting task. To learn more about finding resources and support please check out the guide below. Click here to download Click here to download
Non-Recent Abuse
What is Non-Recent Abuse? Non-recent child abuse, sometimes called historical abuse, is when an adult was abused as a child or young person under the age of 18. Sometimes adults who were abused in childhood blame themselves or are made to feel it’s their fault....
Do you suspect abuse?
Do you suspect abuse? Did you know that legislation, requires any individual who suspects that a child has been abused by any person to report that to the Abuse Hotline? Any allegations a child was abused or neglected by a caregiver will be...
What every Educator should know about Child Maltreatment
It’s hard to know what goes on when children are not in your care, or under your watchful eye. Here are a few key things to look for if you even suspect there may be abuse or neglect occurring in this child’s life. Remember, if you suspect, you must report, not only...
Welcome to CAC CareNet
We intend for our Blog to be informative and worth your time to read. It will include a wide variety of topics, all linked to child abuse, trafficking, Advocates, DV/SA, CPS/DHS, LE and MDT information. Best practices, In the News, etc. If you have a story you’d like...
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